Hippocrates and Arteficegroup launch an innovative weight awareness strategic communication campaign.
The partnership between Lafarmaciapunto, Italy's leading retail pharmacy with over 400 pharmacies, and Arteficegroup, an agency associated with UNA, continues to thrive. Following the success of the omnichannel communication campaign for summer 2024 sun products, a new campaign focused on weight management was launched in mid-September. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of consciously caring for one's body.
The iconic red dot, a hallmark of the brand's identity, takes center stage in the visuals and messaging of this new weight-focused campaign: "Lose weight, but not your passions." This concept encourages Lafarmaciapunto patients to monitor their weight and make informed choices for their well-being.

The omnichannel communication campaign has made a significant impact through a dynamic digital presence and tailored personalization at Milan's Central Station, a strategic location with high foot traffic. The use of LED walls and a network of digital monitors, along with an eye-catching customization of the central staircase, maximized message visibility and reached a broad audience.
The editorial plan for social media posts on Instagram and Facebook, along with a dedicated newsletter packed with exclusive content, constantly reminds everyone of the importance of taking care of their bodies.
Lafarmaciapunto's campaign represents a pioneering case—one of the very first—where pharmacy services become the focus of communication that resonates with a wide target audience. “We’ve seen brands communicate about services before,” comments Erika Mallarini, a professor at SDA Bocconi. “However, Hippocrates is likely the first example of strategic marketing that addresses needs rather than just services, speaking directly to a large audience with relatable examples, such as shortness of breath when climbing stairs. This is how services should be communicated.”
This campaign is another testament to Arteficegroup's ability to transform theoretical branding activities into a creative and productive strategy, creating brand value and ensuring coherence across all communication channels.